Call To Action


Discover the 3 Simple Steps to Achieving A Healthy Work Life Balance. So you can reclaim your Time & Energy. Consistently Pursue Your Passions & Restore Strained Relationships (without the overwhelm).



In this training you will learn,


  • The #1 lie that you (and many women) believe that keeps you stuck in the constant cycle of busyness, struggling to juggle all your responsibilities. And the TRUTH that will help you slow down to enjoy more uninterrupted time with family and building up the close relationships in your life. 


  • The simple scheduling hack that takes your calendar from overloaded to overjoyed. Allowing you more down time and the opportunity to regain your mental & physical energy so that you can balance a full days work and enjoy a family night with ease.


  • And the 3 Simple Steps that you can start taking TODAY to achieve a healthy work life balance, creating mental focus in you to leave work at work and when you're home, you're home. Allowing you feel satisfied, knowing that you're showing up both in your professional life and in your personal life.
hey there, mama!

I'm Coach Q

cert. life balance + health COACH

I help high-achieving moms, slow down to create a healthy work-life balance... 

so they can thrive in their careers while also, being fully present w/ family & nurturing goals & passions w/o feeling overwhelmed or guilty 😉. 

I am a serial entrepreneur, flight attendant, mom, wife, coach, podcaster and serious book worm & traveler :).

As you can see, I am a multi-passionate mama! I LOVE to work, help and contribute to my family but I wouldn't be able to enjoy it all without balance.

Whether you're a mama that chooses to work or has to work, its important that you create a healthy work-life balance, so that you can can provide for your family, yet still disconnect from work when you're home, be fully present for your family and create time for your passions too.

If you're struggling with work-life balance, I know that you have a hard time relaxing, you're frustrated, you carry guilt when you're at work cause you're not at home & you carry guilt at home cause you're not working. You want more time with your family, you feel like you have no time to yourself... but you don't know where to start... You're in a constant cycle of DO DO DO and I want to help you BE!

I want to teach you how to create a balanced life you LOVE! Where you're thriving in your career while also spending LOTS of time with family AND taking care of yourself in pursuing your goals & passions (without the overwhelm or guilt 😉).  

No more overwhelm. No more guilt.

My coaching style is very hands-on, as I spend dedicated time personalizing teachings to my clients so they can ditch all that overwhelm and get straight to exactly what they need... BALANCE. 

So, if you're ready to toss that supermom cape and grab my hand...I'd love to guide you to a balanced life.

I can't wait to meet you in class.


Coach Q has radically changed my life

- Lisette

I thought that by being a woman with ADHD, that balance was impossible for me. WRONG!! Not only do I know what balance is now, I now live it. Thanks so much Coach Q.

- Trisha

Coach Q is so good!! After years of trying struggling to balance being a mom, wife and having a career. I made the decision to invest in a coach. I am so grateful to have found Coach Q. Life really is joyful now and  finally lost the 15bs I've been trying years to get off.
- Monet