joyful blueprint academy


I AM..
Coach Q. I help high-achieving moms create a healthy work-life balance, so they can thrive in their careers while also, being fully present w/ family & nurturing passions w/o feeling overwhelmed or guilty. 
no mom has to chose between a fulfilling career, raising her family or pursuing her passions. She can have all three. She just needs to learn how to balance it all.
for you to create a balanced life. One where you thrive in your career, yet frequently slow down to be more present with family. One where you juggle your multiple roles with grace and make the time to prioritize your passions. Living a truly joyful life...not one where you are chaotically existing.
hey there, mama!

I'm Coach Q

cert. life balance + health COACH

I help high-achieving moms, slow down to create a healthy work-life balance... 

so they can thrive in their careers while also, being fully present w/ family & nurturing goals & passions w/o feeling overwhelmed or guilty 😉. 

I am a serial entrepreneur, flight attendant, mom, wife, coach, podcaster and serious book worm & traveler :).

As you can see, I am a multi-passionate mama! I LOVE to work, help and contribute to my family but I wouldn't be able to enjoy it all without balance.

Whether you're a mama that chooses to work or has to work, its important that you create a healthy work-life balance, so that you can can provide for your family, yet still disconnect from work when you're home, be fully present for your family and create time for your passions too.

If you're struggling with work-life balance, I know that you have a hard time relaxing, you're frustrated, you carry guilt when you're at work cause you're not at home & you carry guilt at home cause you're not working. You want more time with your family, you feel like you have no time to yourself... but you don't know where to start... You're in a constant cycle of DO DO DO and I want to help you BE!

I want to teach you how to create a balanced life you LOVE! Where you're thriving in your career while also spending LOTS of time with family AND taking care of yourself in pursuing your goals & passions (without the overwhelm or guilt 😉).  

No more overwhelm. No more guilt.

My coaching style is very hands-on, as I spend dedicated time personalizing teachings to my clients so they can ditch all that overwhelm and get straight to exactly what they need... BALANCE. 

So, if you're ready to toss that supermom cape and grab my hand...I'd love to guide you to a balanced life.

Lets Work 1:1 Together!!

I want to help create a healthy work-life balance.

Let me help you.

I am....


certified life + health coach

serial entrepreneur



speaker/ podcaster

flight attendant



Ready to get started?

Lets do this!!! ⚖️❤️

From Burnt Out to Balanced

Discover the 3 Simple Steps to Achieve A Healthy Work-Life Balance. So you can Reclaim Time & Energy to Thrive in Your Career. Pursue Personal Passions & Be More Present w/ Family to Restore Relationships.   


Joyful Blueprint Academy

The Journey to JOY starts with Balance: A chaotic life starts with chaotic thoughts and beliefs. Gain harmony on the inside (thoughts, fears, beliefs) to obtain balance of the outside (work, home, life) in as little as 90 days! Join this dynamic coaching and mentorship program led by me, Cert Life & Health Coach Q & Mental Health Therapist, Naketa Young to take the first step in creating a balanced life you love.

Freebie Download

Break Free: Overcome Self Sabotaging Busyness and Claim a Balanced Joyful Life

Discover if self sabotaging busyness keeps you in the cycle of chaos and rushing.

This guide will help you identify self sabotage behavior & walk you through a simple step by step process to creating a more balanced life. One where you slowdown, spend more time with family & enjoy nurturing passions.